Friday, October 30, 2009

Sorry Professor, but I Must Not Tell Lies

This past week we were discussing the individual vs. the institution and my professor brought up the idea that Harry and Dumbledore could resemble God and Jesus. However, we didn't get very far into this discussion because two kids in the class literally started arguing about religion essentially about the different views of Jesus. It was ridiculous and the professor didn't even really get to make the point she wanted to make because she just let these two kids argue about religion almost the whole class period. We started watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheniox which is the fifth movie. I don't know what we are going to do when we finish it though because the sixth movie doesn't come out on DVD for another couple weeks.

I also found this posting on that I thought was funny because I clearly did not realize this either:

Today, my 8 year old cousin was reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for the first time. When she got to the part about the Mirror of Erised, she pointed out that Erised was desire spelled backwards. I'm a sophomore in college and it blew my mind. MLIA.

Thanks for reading!

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