Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Harry, it isn't how you are alike. It's how you are not.

Today we started off by talking about the government and it's responsibility to create a social order and this order can be humane or inhumane. In the Harry Potter series, the wizards do not do a good job of creating this social order in a humane way. We discussed how it is ultimately the job of the institution to treat it's citizens humanely even if they don't feel responsible.

This discussion lead to the discussion of how one person cannot know the pain of another person (I think this went along the same lines of treating people humanely or inhumanely). We related this to showing horses about how the Olympic horses are getting injured as a result of the showmanship and this is, in our opinion, an inhumane way to treat an animal for a competition.

This lead to a discussion on professional football players and how they sacrifice mind and body to play this sport and some players ultimately end up physically and mentally injured at the end of their careers. However, we did have a debate about whether they fall into this category because they WILLINGLY participate in this sport and they KNOW the pain they could eventually suffer as a result of football. How exactly this relates to Harry Potter I am not sure. :-)

We finished the fifth movie today and class and hopefully someone will be able to obtain the sixth movie, probably not legally, so that we can watch it. If not, we will watch movies related to Harry Potter such as Star Wars or Australia (related thorugh the theme of magic).

That's all for now!

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