Monday, October 19, 2009

Cedric Diggory was murdered, by Lord Voldemort

Lumos Family and Friends!

I haven't updated in two weeks! Jeez. So let me give you an overview of what we've been discussing in class for the past two weeks!

October 6th, we talked about the nature of evil. We discussed the two basic types of evil: vincible and invincible evil. The difference between the two being that when it is vincible evil the person is knowingly hurting others' as opposed to invincible evil when the person is unknowingly causing harm. The nature of evil can also be related back to the forms of authority: traditional, legal-rational, charismatic.

Voldemort performs these evil acts (being vincible evils since he knowingly harms others) so that he can obtain immortality. However, we discussed how immortality looks attractive until you look at what happens when you actually obtain it. The question is, what happens if you outlive everybody?

The basic plot line of Harry Potter is the parallel careers of two orphans, Harry Potter and Tom Riddle. These two orphans have two very different trajectories in life and used their similar situation to create very different lives. However, we did discuss that it is possible that Tom Riddle aka Voldemort is not inherently evil, he is just angry at being abandoned.

When discussing evil, other characters besides Voldemort clearly come to mind such as the Dementors, Snape, The Malfoy's, and Belatrix LeStrange. It is very possible that dementors are not evil, they are just seen as evil because of the nature of the lives they lead (considering they live by sucking the happiness out of people). I would honestly say that Belatrix is seriously demented and evil because she ENJOYS other people's suffering, but that could be a result from going crazy from 12 years in Azkaban.

The most interesting "evil" character is Snape. Snape was from Slythering and friends with many death eaters. He had the potential to gain his own following because he was such a brilliant man. However, Snape's reasoning for being such an "evil" character is out of his jealousy (and love) fo Lily Potter and her marriage to James and the humiliation he experienced while in school. We have to ask ourselves, did Snape use the best means to reach the ultimate end?

October 13th, we talked about the art of divination and forms of real life divination (aka seeing the future). There are many forms of divination in real human culture:

-I Ching
-Mayan Calandar

We as human culture believe in this ability to see the future and predict the future. This ability could be potentially very dangerous. Can you imagine if you actually had the ability to predict the future? More over, what if people KNEW that you could acurately predict the future? You would never have a moments rest!

Everyone thinks that Trelawny, the divinations professor, is a fake. Which is potentially why she is safe and not being bothered 24/7 about the future. Since people think she is a fake, she is protected from society itself.

One of the last philosophical questions we discussed in class that day was the idea that If diviners are right, it is much scarier than if they are wrong. Being right could potentially cause much more harm than good.

As always in Harry Potter class, I feel like we ask more questions to answer our questions. This class has really translated how Harry Potter and magic appears everywhere and how Harry Potter really is rooted in real life culture.

One last note before I finish this post. Today in my American History class our professor lectured on the Salem Witch Trials. Which made me laugh because as we all know, no REAL withces we caught during the Salem Witch Trials, because of course they had magically abilities to avoid capture. And those witches who were actually captured never died because they performed charms to prevent the flames from buring them!

Even though we are very close to running out of movies in Harry Potter Class, we are working on the fourth movie Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. Tomorrow we will pick the movie back up at the first task in the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

That's all for now!

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