Thursday, October 1, 2009

He Was Their Friend!

This week we discussed secret societies and common traits that these type of societies have. We compared the Free Masons and Skull and Cross Bones to the Death Eaters. They all have certain aspects in common because they are all secret societies. For example, they all have alternate identities. They wear a "mask" in society so that they can hide their membership to the secret society. Another aspect is that a member only knows a couple other members so that one person cannot take down the entire society.

After this discussion we watched the beginning of the third movie Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. While watching it we made fun of their bad acting skills. Especially when Harry discovers that Sirius Black is his godfather and starts to "cry" then yells that "He was their friend and he betrayed them! He was their friend!" Such bad acting Daniel Radcliffe. We all started laughing REALLY hard and our professor told us all that we were "strange" but honestly, it was funny how bad the acting was and how we all laughed at it!

One last thought, me and my friends joined the Muggle Quidditch team her at Miami! It's a lot of fun, but it is a contact sport so there are some bumps and bruises! I'm not a very good chaser but I'm becoming a better beater so I think I'm going to stick with that. Here is a video to check it out:

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