Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts"

Day One
I didn’t really know what to expect when walking in to a class about Harry Potter. The first discussion we had was a very complex analysis of the family tree within Harry Potter and how it relates to the British monarchy. So I am going to make a feeble attempt at explaining how the two are related.
Since J.K. Rowling grew up in England she would have inherently grown up learning the history of the British royal family. She probably unintentionally included these similarities, but they are still there and that might be because the monarchy is just part of the history they learn in school. My bet would be that J.K. Rowling would deny the connection. However, my professor made a very strong case with extensive research on the connections between the family trees. Some of the similarities include Richard III of York as Albus Dumbledore because they were both betrayed in battle. Also, she relates Harry Potter to Edward V of York in conjunction to the story The Princes in the Tower. Rumor has it that the two brothers were locked under the stairs in the London Tower and that one of the boys escaped. This sounds very similar to Harry Potter the boy who lived and how Harry is kept in the closet under the stairs in the Dursley’s house.
The professor for this class is clearly very dedicated to the topic. In the middle of the first class period she actually left in the middle of class without telling us where she was going. Not a minute later, she came back with the pizza delivery boy and Papa John’s pizza for the whole class! So on day one, we talked about Harry Potter and ate pizza. If you ask me that’s a pretty good first day of class!

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