Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dune vs. Harry Potter

Today, we compared the Dune Saga vs. Harry Potter. I've never read or seen the Dune Saga, along with everyone else in our class. However, our professor explained the series to us and it is very complicated alternate universe about various planets. Here is the similarities between the two series. Since this is a blog about Harry Potter, I've included the Harry Potter elements under each plot theme:

Control of world/universe: Riddle/Voldemort/Deatheaters
Power of Love: Lily Evans Potter's loving sacrifice protects Harry
Unrequited Love: Snape's love for Lily Potter
The Romances: Harry/Ginny, Hermione/Ron
Father figures: Dumbledore, Hagrid, Snape
Mother figures:McGonagall, Lily, Molly
Grief, Loss: Dumbledore, Cedric Diggory
Sociopathy, Insanity: Tom Riddle, Beatrix LeStrange, Fenrir Greyback for instance
Prophecy: believed to be true
Dreams & Visions: Harry connects with Voldemort while sleeping
Secret Societies: Deatheaters, Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore's Army
Societies with Secrets: Hogwarts Houses
Enhanced Memory:Pensive, Department of Mysteries
Poisons: potions
Immortality: Resurrection Stone, Sorcerer's Stone
Near Death Experience: Harry Potter in a battle with Tom Riddle (DH)
Who has to die for the world takeover: Dumbledore, Harry Potter
The Quest: repair old social order by defeating the Deatheaters and Riddle (rebellion).
Monsters: Magical creatures of many sorts

This comes from Dr. Nicholson's chart of comparisons that she sent to us.

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